Project News
Healthcare Diagnostic Suites

Advocate Lutheran General CT System
With all the GE Healthcare CT systems for which we have had to build spaces, there’s not much that we, at Frank H. Stowell & Sons, have not seen. Still, the preparation for a new GE Lightspeed VCT at Advocate’s Lutheran General Hospital presented a challenge.
The floor beneath the CT was not thick enough to stabilize the CT adequately. Any vibration would distort the imagery. The solution was to add buttresses to the concrete deck from below the floor, in the space that was occupied by the Sterile Processing Department (SPD).
Our team had to prepare sterile containment modules to work in that space, follow all the ILSM safety procedures, and complete the work over a weekend.
The frame of the new VCT was then anchored through to the buttresses below the deck and the balance of the site preparation completed.
For once, we took a special interest in the system testing. Yes, the images were perfect.