Featured Projects
Educational Remodeling - Featured Projects
For colleges to pass muster with discerning parents and their talented progeny, they need to demonstrate that they can meet high education standards. That includes everything from well-equipped classrooms, in beautiful and well-maintained buildings, safe and secure residences and top-notch sports facilities.
That calls for a lot of construction and remodeling, something that is keeping us at Frank H. Stowell & Sons on our toes. The challenges, as seen below, range in size and type, but have a common theme. Build as if your child was going to be spending four years here.

MSE Teaching Lab
Education • Educational Remodeling • Lab Projects •
This prestigious university had a very clear vision for its renovated teaching lab: the optimum combination of active group learning and hands-on experimentation for those entering research in the field of Material Science and Engineering,
That called for robust infrastructure (electrical power and data, specialty gases, heating, air conditioning and exhaust systems), leading-edge technology (microscopy, high-speed data and audio-visual integration), and the aesthetic you’re not supposed to notice (clear sight lines, hidden conduits, and borrowed light to name a few).
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Sorority Ramps Remodel
Education • Educational Remodeling •
While we, at Frank H. Stowell & Sons, are more likely to remodel interiors than perform exterior work, we have done our fair share of ADA ramps. Invariably, creating space for an addition to a building’s footprint is the major challenge with inclement weather a close second.
When it came to these very attractive ramps for two adjacent Sororities, the challenges were more interesting.
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Student Residence
Education • Educational Remodeling •
When it was time to upgrade these student residences, the facilities department of this prestigious school knew they were opening the proverbial can of worms. The superficial problems were obvious but what would they discover when the process got underway?
The goal was to make the residences safe, secure and comfortable. Note that comfortable should not be confused with luxurious. Then there was the natural wear and tear. Much of the plumbing and wiring went back to the building’s construction (1920s) and the bathroom fixtures looked about as old. Plaster walls were so bad in places that complete dry-walling was necessary.
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Science Department Offices
Education • Educational Remodeling •
The new design for this project was driven by the dual goals of creating a more professional work environment for a department that is engaged in a wide range of grant-funded research and programs and engendering a welcoming impression for students and visitors.
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Overseas Support Office Remodel
Education • Educational Remodeling •
Top schools are increasingly looking overseas for growth opportunities. That can be by attracting foreign students or finding ways to offer courses around the world.
Investing in a professional space to support those activities is a sound investment. This office is dedicated to supporting a teaching presence in Qatar.
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ADA Disability Ramp Addition
Education • Educational Remodeling •
Anybody who has ever been in a wheelchair, or who has accompanied someone in a wheelchair, will know only too well the challenge of navigating through the myriad of obstacles that surround us.
Addressing these challenges with ADA (American Disability Act) ramps is no trivial matter. There’s the issue of fitting the ramp in a confined space and all the safety regulations – everything from the correct amount of slope, width and grip to the proper size of landings to allow for turning, to when and where handrails and edge-protection are required.
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Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
Education • Educational Remodeling •
Around since 1853, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary prepares their student to be pastors, deacons, chaplains, educators, scholars, counselors, musicians and more. Frank H. Stowell & Sons has maintained a long-term relationship
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University Library
Education • Educational Remodeling • Libraries •
This landmark library, situated close to Lake Michigan, was built in 1933 and modeled after King’s College in Cambridge, England. It houses extensive collections in Art, Music, Government; Geographic Information and University Archives.
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